Mother’s Day

This is a blog post I wrote in May of 2009. I’m reposting it here, because aside from the face that my mother is no longer with us, it still applies. Happy Mother’s Day! For finding your mother, there’s one…

The Five Love Languages

I can’t remember how many years ago I heard about The Five Love Languages, but I don’t think I had all of my children yet, so that’s at least 20 years. The knowledge from this book makes relationships make more…

Groundhog Day

Ever since I saw the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray waaaaay back in the day, Groundhog Day has come to mean doing the same thing over and over rather than wondering if the rodent can predict an early spring.…

The 52 Lists Project

My husband got me this fabulous book for Christmas. I’m excited to fill it out. Trying to get over the need to write my lists in a plain notebook and then copy them into the pretty book in my best…