One Little Word


It is surprising how much thought my one little word has taken this year. I don’t remember ever taking so long to make my decision. (ironic when you know my word) I had thought I wanted a word for “just enough” so that it would help me with keeping only what I need to keep in my house, and eating only what I should eat, etc. However, I couldn’t get my head around “just enough” as a word for the year.

I spent some time looking at various words until one finally hit me. I did an exercise where I thought about an ideal day, and concentrated not so much on the word I wanted, but on how I wanted to feel. Then the word came pretty quickly. I’m happy because I feel it is a positive and non-limiting word, which I have discovered is important to me. So, my word for 2016 is CHOOSE. It puts me in a place of power and positivity. I can be the one who chooses what stays and what goes, what I eat and don’t eat, what I do in my spare time and don’t do, what my attitude is and isn’t. I hope you’ve thought about a word for the year.


Full Definition of choose

chose play \ˈchōz\ cho·sen play \ˈchō-zən\ choos·ing play \ˈchü-ziŋ\

transitive verb

1a  :  to select freely and after consideration <choose a career>b  :  to decide on especially by vote :  elect <chose her as captain>

2a  :  to have a preference for <choose one car over another>b  :  decide <chose to go by train>

intransitive verb

1:  to make a selection <finding it hard to choose>

2:  to take an alternative —used after cannot and usually followed by but <when earth is so kind, men cannot choose but be happy — J. A. Froude>

Tell me your word in the comments. I love to hear other people’s words and their reasons behind the decision.

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